Tuesday, September 17, 2013 | 10:59 PM

So we're doing the flip side of the coin for this week, and I realise most of what is important to me (i.e. my dealbreakers) are the same things that would draw me to a guy.

Being a Christian is one thing, but I've come to realise that calling oneself "Christian" doesn't always imply a right walk with God. More important than simply being Christian, is where the guy stands with his faith in God. Haha I can't say that I find people attractive simply because they are in love with God, but I do know that I would hold someone in high regard for it.

In terms of attractive traits, I would say these: 

1. Kind/Loves people
I find this quite attractive. When guys are kind to others, regardless of how they look or how difficult they are to love, I take notice. And I take notice especially when he does so in a gentle manner, which is something that is quite hard to get right.

2. Witty 
I have always been in love with wit. I think of Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw, and their remarkably witty remarks. Winston Churchill too:

"I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."

Of course, wit often borders on meanness and insults. Which is why the first criteria is important - balancing wit and kindness isn't easy, but it's an amazing combination. Somehow the quotes I love best are those by guys, whereas in daily life I think I run into more witty girls than guys.

Sometimes I feel like giving up on this trait because I very rarely meet guys who have wit and a good personality - in terms of niceness, dependability - but it's the one thing I find most attractive in people.

3. Easygoing 
I think as a person I try to give space to others to be themselves, and I hate it when people are too picky or controlling over others (hence the dealbreakers haha). I'm drawn to people who do that for others: give them a comfortable space to be themselves and to feel at ease in their company. I like people who create a warm and inviting presence about themselves, and it makes me feel that I can introduce him to my friends without worrying about awkwardness.

4. Spontaneous 
I love good surprises and spontaneous moments, so I would love someone who does things out of the ordinary. I think creativity is kind of implicit in this one, and a little creativity is good, but not too much. Because being imaginative and creative helps one to see possibilities, and that's something that allows me to enjoy the conversations I have with people a lot, but having too much can make one a little eccentric (haha no offense intended, but yeah).

5. Serious at the right time
At the same time, I think being serious about the right things/at the right time is important and it puts me at ease when I see that he knows what he's doing. I think girls are only naggy worrywarts insofar as the guys we're with don't give us confidence to trust them. But when a guy knows when to be serious, I'm happy to trust him.

Yup, and that's my list!

With love,

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