Thursday, November 21, 2013 | 10:42 PM

So exams are round the corner for most of us (finished, for some? I know Maddie's done - congratz!), and I'm here to share a little study tip that I think is pretty useful! (Sorry Maddie it's a bit too late for you.)

I don't pretend I know THE SECRET to exam success, but I (sort of) came up with a daily study plan that I personally think is quite good. Heh. This probably isn't something new, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded!

So the main idea is to break your day into study blocks. It gets really tiring when you're trying to plough through your notes for hours and hours, so this is a great way to break up the monotony. I have a 9.30am - 1.30am day, and this is how I do it:

  9.30am - 10.30am   Wake up and have breakfast, read newspapers
10.30am - 11.00am    Buffer time to check emails, updates, etc
11.00am -   1.00pm    Study Session #1
  1.00pm -  2.00pm    Break for lunch
  2.00pm -  4.00pm    Study Session #2
  4.00pm -  5.00pm    Break for tea/shower etc
  5.00pm -  7.00pm     Study Session #3
  7.00pm -  8.00pm    Break for dinner
 8.00pm - 10.00pm    Study Session #4
10.00pm -11.00pm    Break
  11.00pm -  1.00am    Study Session #5
    1.00am -  1.30am    Prepare for bed

Yup so that's the general plan. I don't follow it religiously though. The idea is just to break up your study hours into manageable blocks so you don't get too tired of it. I know most advice say 1 hour study with 5 min break or something but then I get distracted sometimes during the 2-hour blocks anyway and I don't think it's possible to concentrate so hard for so long (for me anyway). So 2 hours of about 90% concentration is quite good in my opinion. It's best if you switch off your computer and leave your phone somewhere far far away, though I know some people have issues about this (you could always use the "I was studying" excuse, which isn't really an excuse!), so you do what works for you.

There are many variations you could do. You can adjust each study timespan, or wake up earlier to squeeze in another study session (I'm too lazy for this), or just plunge straight into studying when the last of your breakfast is shoved into your mouth. I don't recommend this though. If you rush for everything, you'll just create, or exacerbate, the feeling of stress.

Of course this comes with a longer-term study plan, i.e. how many days you have for each subject, which days you plan to study which subject(s), what are you looking to complete by today. This will trickle down to each individual session. It's important to be clear what you're aiming to do within each 2-hour block. If you finish ahead of time, you can bring everything forward, or just work on something else. If you need more time to complete something, either push it to the next slot (bearing in mind you already have something else to do then) or just cut a bit of your break. Oftentimes you will find that you'd rather take a cut in your break just so you can complete a particular chapter or topic. (And then you'll feel proud of yourself for choosing study over break, like what?!)

Okay this is kind of getting very long and I presume you guys have to go back to studying (but hey, it's break time!), so that's all, folks! Hope this helps in your revision. And so very sorry for the lack of posts recently. Us girls succumb to the mug-mug-mug mantra all too often.

Best of luck for your exams,

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013 | 1:52 PM

Haha I guess this list will change as different things become important to me (or lose their importance) over time, but for the 20-year-old me, this is the bucket list (in no particular order):
1. Do a photography project
I've been wanting to do this ever since I started taking photos with a DSLR, and would really love to see a photography project come to fruition. Some ideas that have been tossed around/projects that inspire me:
  • going around to take photos of people smiling. This was a worldwide project, but I can't find the link for it anymore. I remember Ji Inn was the one who first shared it with me.
  • taking photos of different people's rooms, especially the little details that spell "home" to them. Actually this idea was someone else's, when he was just saying he would like to do it and see what people's rooms are like. For me I would want to focus on the little details because I am a details person (sometimes) and I think the best part about anything is how it expresses you.
  • Humans of New York. This is my favourite project.I like the way they write the captions especially-in a question-and-answer way that sometimes results in a rather quirky effect-because it is so expressive of the individual and what the photo has captured. I don't know if the effect is intended, but sometimes it is quite funny/smart/witty, even about the most mundane things (like doing crossword puzzles). Great photography, and great words! When I read a bit about the motivation for the project, I liked it all the more. It achieves its purpose of 'humanising' the people of New York since New York is always seen as a city that doesn't stop for people. And I don't think it applies only to New York, there are many countries that are seen in terms of their culture but not the individual people that make it up.
  • This reminds me of an Archives magazine I have, which has a collection of posters. I like how out-of-the-box and fun it is. 
  • Another cool project (shared by Gummy Bear): 

2. Live in a vintage-y room 
Even though I like the room I stay in now, I couldn't really do everything I wanted because of school restrictions. I've been in/seen a lot of vintage-style shops and rooms, and it would be really lovely to do one of my own. And one that I will preferably stay in for a while, if not permanently, so I can add on as I go along. It's always the clutter around a room that makes it look lived-in.

3. Fall in love
Because I guess, I would want to know what the magic is all about. Haha actually I think we learn a lot about ourselves and other people in the whole process of building a relationship.

4. Have a loving family
In the words of my friend, "You'll never be happy being a housewife." But actually I'm a homebody at heart. I have always pictured a loving family, one that is open about its problems and open about loving each other.

5. Live a happy and fulfilling life
I guess if you ask what I want to do before I die, that's what I want to do. Even if it's only for a period, though I hope it lasts as long as possible. Then I would die happy. To me the picture of a happy and fulfilling life balances everything:
  • faith in God 
  • your interests and self-development
  • time with family and growth as a family 
  • pursuing and fulfilling your interests/ambitions (i.e. your career) 
On the career aspect, I would want a job that is creative, explores new ideas, makes a real difference, and works with people.Tough aspiration, but it may not be that impossible in the end.

6. Have lifelong friendships, or at least friends in my life at the time of my death 
I've always placed a lot of value on friendships, and sometimes keeping up friendships feels like a futile resistance against time and growing apart. I love imagining how we will all grow up and still be around in each other's lives, reminiscing about old memories and creating new ones, having big gatherings with our spouses and kids tagging along. And I guess even if that doesn't happen, I hope I will always have a group of good friends at any time in life because friendship makes life that much sweeter and more bearable.

7. Have a writing project
Surprisingly, this might take more pushing than the photography project because writing is already something I do, in one form or another. So it'll take something to move me to the next level and actually commit to a writing project (perhaps on a larger scale of what we are doing with Sundae Scribbles). Maybe a lot of courage and inspiration. I see myself doing this later on in life, and maybe when I'm a housewife-who-can't-be-a-housewife :p. In my ideal life, I would work in an environment buzzing with creativity and love for what we're doing, then sometime if/when I have kids, I would start working from home, writing professionally and publishing online. (I just think it's important to be there for kids when they're growing up. You might not be the best parent, but being available, being there is better than being a ghost in your own child's life. Ultimately though, circumstances will decide that).

8. Read widely 
I think good writing comes from reading widely, and one of the many things I love about reading is how it can take you to such different parts of the world and teach you a million and one interesting things you never knew. Or even, completely new ways of seeing something as mundane as a teacup (makes me want to re-read The Alchemist). 

9.  See my parents enjoy life
This is becoming more of a wish-list, than a bucket list. But I would want to see my own parents enjoy life, and for our family to live peaceably together :).

10. For my loved ones to be happy 
P.S. I love you left an impression on me because of the idea of making sure that your loved one moves on, happy, even after your death. So I guess if I had the chance, before I die, I would want to prepare something like that for my loved ones. If my death was sudden though, I wouldn't have such a chance. Maybe we should write parting letters periodically, the way we write our wills early. 

I took a long time to ponder over this, and I guess it's cause I choose happiness in the present moment. At various points in my life, I think, "Yup, I'm happy," and feel that even if I died the next day, I wouldn't have regrets. It's not that there isn't a lot I want to do (there is), but we have no control over when we die or where we go in life (not totally), so if you find happiness now and everyday, you would be ready to go at any moment. A lot of the things listed are long-term goals, pictures of the life I want to live. That is essentially the spirit of a bucket list for me: the life you want to live before your death. There aren't really big milestones I want to hit, just ideals I want to realize in my own life.

Happy living,

Sunday, November 10, 2013 | 2:46 PM

Just grabbed this from my old phone. Here are the things I listed:

1. Ride a horse

And I mean really learning how to ride one and galloping across rolling hills.

2. Have a meal on a high class train with beautiful scenery outside

Meaning with tables, white tablecloth, silver domes (yes) and silverware.

3. Waitress at high class restaurant or quaint cozy eatery

I don't know, it sounds like an interesting experience, though I know the job is tough and I'm probably too clumsy and slow. Not a very likely possibility but I'll keep it here. Maybe I'll get to do a couple of weeks' worth or something someday.

4. Open a cafe/shop/mix of shops

Mix of shops meaning those cafe-cum-retail-store or cafe-cum-bookstore type of places.

5. Study in the UK

Well, I made this list back in JC. After that, I didn't manage to get a scholarship to attend one of those UK universities that accepted me. Nevermind, I'm going next year! So this is finally one thing I can tick off my bucket list :D

6. Write a book

Too undisciplined to write one. My inspirations are sporadic and really random and all over the place. Maybe one day I'll get down to it. I will!

7. Compose a song/orchestral piece

Ok I don't have the music background for this, so maybe just a simple tune will work, haha.

8. Save a life

Don't know how, since I've never learnt first aid. But perhaps it can mean other ways of saving a person's life. Guess I'll know it when I've done it?

9. Be part of a major film production (TV series/movie)

By this I mean any part of it, like scriptwriting, or helping around the set, or whatever. I don't know, doesn't look very possible, but I think it's so cool to be part of a major production like Harry Potter.

10. Be friends with a world-famous person

I don't know how this got onto my list... but I guess it'd be cool to know someone famous? Like say, Jay Chou was my friend or something. Haha. Well this isn't gonna be something that I have to do, obviously. It'll be the people I know! Probably at least some of my friends now will be quite famous next time. But this is a silly item that doesn't really mean anything hahaha so I'm cancelling it.

11. Have a picnic/read a book on a grassy plain with beautiful scenery and peace and quiet

Preferably near a stream. With no irritating mozzies or flies. And no searing sun. Nice weather nice dress nice food nice book :D

12. Be kissed by a hot stranger with no further intimation and no strings attached

That's a really strange thing I put there. I suppose I meant a really good-looking, hot angmoh guy? But no, don't want this anymore, it's quite creepy if you think about it. Though, well, I did mention no further intimation.

13. Fine dine at a really high class/celebrity chef restaurant

Oh look, here's one thing I've done! Ate at Jamie Oliver's a few months back.

14. Meet Bae Yong Joon my idol!! And actually get to talk to him if possible... How about a hug haha oh gosh <3333 (exact phrasing)

Not so crazy about him now, or any other Korean stars but that's just because I haven't been watching the dramas. Gonna start again and then all my irrationality will start again. But yeah BYJ is my all-time favourite. His gaze alone pulls on my heartstrings.

15. Master the piano

Well, not master it exactly. I'll be happy if I can learn how to play it reasonably well, and read scores. I once learnt a few lessons from my friend, but we gradually stopped it. Various reasons, including laziness. I'd like a piano in the house but we can't afford one and there's no space.

That was back in 2009. I've probably lots of new things I want to try now, but that'll be for another post next time. Hopefully I'll get to tick off 1, 2, 5 and 11 when I'm overseas next year!


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Wednesday, November 6, 2013 | 7:21 PM

Why are we limited to only 10 things? I think I could write 10 pages worth of things to do before I kick the bucket. But here are my top 10 for the moment!

1. Visit every continent (and as many countries as possible within the continent)
To satisfy the travel junkie in me. Doesn't everyone want to travel the world?

2. 自拍自导自演 a full music video with great friends
I just think it's such great fun and a good bonding experience! It also gives you something to look back on and laugh over. This one is definitely in the works. But for now, here's an example of how we've been using instavideos!

3. Knowing animals better
Such as swimming with dolphins, seeing penguins in their natural habitat, riding horses and camels etc. And perhaps even adopting a pet when I am certain that I have the capabilities to take care of it.

4. Go on an adrenaline adventure
Hang-gliding, white water rafting, skydiving, bungee-jumping, cliff-diving, and even... hunting. I'm kinda an adrenaline junkie and I really want to experience it all!

5. Be able to lucid dream
I always wake up once I realise that I'm dreaming. But I really wanna be able to have full control of my dreams, and do wacky things like flying. Cause it will be so damn cool.

6. Take up gourmet cooking
I just want to be able to serve up good food to the people I love.

7. Have a picture taken with my favourite celebrities
Not being a greedy girl here... Any one of them will do, really.

8. Invest in the stock market
I wouldn't dabble in the stock market unless I've got enough money I'm prepared to lose, yet know my stuff well enough to not lose that amount of money. I suppose I'm just saying I wanna be rich and know how to handle my finances.

9. Figure out my 'religion'
I don't subscribe to any religion, but I've got my own ideas that I hope to work out and reconcile before this life ends...

10. Stay true to myself my whole life
Right now, I'm really proud of myself for being me. I just hope that, as we enter adulthood and take on new responsibilities, I will continue listening to my heart and staying true to myself.

#yoloswag #whyamidoingthis #gottayoloswagatleastoncebeforeidie

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Saturday, November 2, 2013 | 3:35 PM

Okay I'm really late for this so sorry!!

Always loved traveling, always loved getting on a plane and flying away. There's just this sense of adventure, this "yippee I'm going away for a while" feeling. Sure it can get tiring to have to keep packing your stuff. Sure it gets too cold sometimes (even if I love going in winter). But nothing brings the excitation of exploring a place down. The places I've been to: Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, England. And the following are places I'd like to visit:
1. Norway

Atlantic Ocean Road

Behold the renowned Atlantic Ocean Road. Best view ever, or so I've heard. Then there's also the Northern Lights, which I really want to see. Many other cool stuff like natural formations and everything, it's just so beautiful and I really wanna witness and experience these things.

No, I'm never gonna go onto that rock, though.

2. Japan

Four seasons in Japan.

I've always wanted to visit Japan! I think it's a beautiful country with a very deep culture. I think it's the one country I'd like to go to in all four seasons because there's something special for every season. Plus I studied the Japanese language for 4 years, though I've forgotten almost everything now. I really want to go, but I'm actually deathly afraid that if I'll be forced to communicate with the locals in Japanese, especially if I go with my family. So... maybe not so soon. Not until I go and revise my Jap!

3. Scotland


Castles, castles and castles! It's the castle that gets me every time. I've read so much about beautiful castles up north and I really really have to go see them! There used to be lots of clans in Scotland (they still exist, I think. They just don't fight clan wars anymore, I guess) and they each owned a castle. Then they'd go fight other clans and claim their castles. Or they'd marry to strengthen their power. Ah, glorious stories. And can you believe it, there are castles for sale. I want to be rich, if only to have the money to buy a castle for myself or something.

The University of Edinburgh. I can't believe I passed up their offer. ):

4. Venice

The Floating City.

Venice, oh Venice! Where there are no roads, only waterways! I think it's so romantic to be traveling on boats to get to everywhere, though I'd see how problems will ensue, ie. when you're in a hurry, or when you're dressed up nicely and you get splashed. I've heard the city is sinking... No, such a beautiful place ):

I heard it smells, too.

5. English Countryside

Yep, it's them castles again.

I've been to England on a school trip (the same one Stella went on, the same group with Madeleine - yeah we all went), and wow wow wow. Okay I didn't think London was fantastic, but I really loved the small towns and the more rural places like Lake District, and Shakespeare's birthplace Stratford-upon-Avon. I remember along a street in a town (can't remember which), there was a shop selling magical things like wands, pentagons, various herbs and stuff, and we were talking to the shop-owner about his experience with magic and the supernatural. Right there in that shop I could almost feel that everyone had the palpable urge to believe him. Such an atmosphere - you only get it in England, I guess. Everything's just more magical there.

Ever since I started reading, I've fantasized about living in the English countryside. Stories of families and houses and horses. Horses! Riding those horses over the rolling hills, picnicking beside a stream... It's my dream to live like that. Ahhh.

If I can't have a castle, can I at least get a cottage?

Yes, yes!
Yup that's my top 5! There are still many places I'd like to visit, and next year I'll probably to heading to the UK for my third year, so really hope I get to travel around Europe! Really can't wait, but I have to start saving up!!

Happy traveling,

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Friday, November 1, 2013 | 1:22 PM

Since young, I have always wanted to stay in UK. I grew up on a steady diet of Enid Blyton and Frances Hodgson Burnett, which made me dream of living the life they led. 4 seasons, enchanting characters and creatures, a romantic air of something about exciting and beautiful about to happen, pretty cottages, what's not to like? But I have since outgrown this notion (I think), and while UK is definitely on the list of places to visit, I've been there on a school trip before and if I really had the chance to visit the countries I wanted to, these are the ones I would pick:

1. Bangkok 
Have always wanted to go there, ever since it become a very popular spot among friends. Mainly because of the cheap clothes, low-budget stays and pretty sights/good food/nice hotels. Okay at least that's my impression of a good trip to Bangkok! Hopefully will get to go sometime soon, either with family or friends :)

2. Sweden
When I first saw the topic for this week, funnily Sweden was the first country that came to mind.

look how pretty it is! There are some places that are so picturesque/picture-perfect it's hard to believe they are real. It was only recently I learnt that a lot of works are actually based on real things, and not invented by the writer's/artist's imagination to the extent which I had believed it to be before. Which only makes it all the more amazing you know?

Think it's such a lovely place to visit, and holds so much potential for a great experience exploring the streets and taking in the sights.

3. Norway

Norway reminds me of my first proper literature lesson at 15, and the first time I heard about Aurora Boraelis. My teacher had stayed at Norway and because there wasn't an actual lesson planned the first time we met her, she introduced us to her cats and the magic of Norway instead. It was probably the most enjoyable lesson we had that week. The literature lessons to come after were no less lovely, but for now back to Norway. Thereafter, when I think of Norway I picture a snowy night of exploration, and simultaneously, a warm, cosy home with cats. For the Aurora Boraelis, I couldn't believe such things existed, and that people actually see it as a daily occurrence. Imagine the different colours and variations you can see! And even if it's just one colour, in one shape, there are endless ways of looking at its beauty and one can simply stand beneath it, enchanted.

I took this photo from a friend's facebook because he went there for student exchange. Perfect picture of the Aurora Boraelis over the glittering lights of town.
Yup and those are the top countries I want to visit! Actually almost any place could be good to visit, it depends what you find there. I think there are many interesting little corners of the world that have gone unexplored :) Even Singapore can seem like a new country when you view it with a tourist's eyes and explore the places you don't frequent.

Wherever you are, happy travelling! 

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